TM 9-2320-266-34
(4) Compress the valve springs and install the locks.
Then release the tool.
If the valves or seats were reground, meas-
ure the height of the installed springs,
taking your measurement from the bot-
tom of the spring seat in the cylinder head
to the bottom of the spring retainer. If
spacers are installed, measure from the
top of the spacer. If the height is greater
than 1-11/16 inches, install a 1/16-inch
spacer in the head counterbore to bring
the spring height back within the normal
Figure 11-24. Valve Assemblies
range of 1-5/8 to l-l1/16 inches.
(1) Coat the valve stems with lubrication oil and insert
11-9. Inspecting the Rocker Arm Assemblies.
them in the cylinder head.
(2) If the valves or seats have been reground, use tool
a. Slide the rockers off the shaft. Lay them on a work
bench in the same order that they are installed on the shaft,
valve is too long, grind off the tip until the length is within
so that they may be reinstalled in their original positions.
b. inspect the shaft and arms for damage or wear. Replace
worn or damaged components.
c. Reassemble the rocker arms on the shaft in groups of
two. See figure 11-27 for identification of left-side and right-
side rocker arms. Position the arms on the shaft as shown in
Figure 11-25. Measuring Valve Stem Length.
(3) Install new cup seals on all valve stems and over
the valve guides (figure 11-26). Install valve springs and
Figure 11-27. Intake and Exhaust Rocker
Arm Identification.
Figure /1-26. Installing Valves, Cup Seals.
Springs, and Retainer.