TM 9-2320-266-34
d. Cut the 3 inch strip of sealer material into four equal
(4) Install the upper half of the connecting rod bearing
parts and install them under the intake manifold lock tabs.
(5) Guide the connecting rod into position on the
Do not use sealer or cement.
crankshaft journal.
11-20. Tappets, Push Rods, and Rocker Arm
(6) Install the lower half of the connecting rod bear-
ing into the cap. Position the cap on the rod. Alternately
a. Install the tappets. Used tappets must go in their
tighten to 45 ft-lbs.
original location. If a new camshaft was installed use all
c. Check Bearing Clearance
new tappets.
(1) Remove the lower half of the bearing and place an
b. Install the push rods and rocker arm shaft assemblies.
oiled, 0.001 -inch brass shim stock (0.5 x 0.75 in) between
Used push rods must go in their original location. The notch
the bearing and the connecting rod journal.
on the end of the rocker arm shaft must point to the center-
(2) Install the bearing cap and tighten to 45 ft-lbs.
line of the engine and face forward on the left bank and to
the rear on the right bank.
(3) Turn the crankshaft one fourth turn in each
c. Install the retainers. The longer retainers go in the
direction. If you feel a slight additional drag, the clearance
is satisfactory.
number two and four positions. Tighten all retainers to
18 ft-lbs.
(4) Side play should be from 0.006 to 0.014 inch
between the two rods.
11-18. Oil Pump and Pan.
a. Intake Manifold
a. Install the oil pump drive shaft.
(1) Position the rubber seals for the intake manifold
over the rails at the front and rear of the cylinder block. The
b. Prime the oil pump with engine oil. Install the oil
center hole in the seals must engage the dowel pins and end
pump and pickup screen.
holes locked in the tangs of the head gasket.
c. Install the oil pan with a new gasket. Tighten the oil
(2) Install new intake manifold side gaskets with the
pan capscrews to 17 ft-lbs. Check to make sure the drain
bead down.
plug is tight.
(3) Carefully lower the intake manifold into position
11-19. Cylinder Heads.
on the cylinder block and cylinder heads. After the intake
a. Coat the new gaskets lightly with sealer and install
manifold is in place, inspect it to make sure the seals are in
them on the cylinder block.
b. Place the cylinder heads on the engine block.
(4) Install the attaching capscrews finger-tight.
Tighten the capscrews to 25 ft-lbs in the tightening sequence
c. Install the cylinder head bolts. Tighten them to 50
in the same sequence.
ing the sequence, tighten the bolts to 95 ft-lbs.
Figure 11-39. Intake Manifold Tightening Sequence.
Figure 11-38. Cylinder Head Tightening Sequence.
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