TM 9-2320-266-34
Rear clutch plate clearance is very impor-
t a n t in obtaining proper clutch operation.
The clearance can be adjusted by using
outer snap rings of various thicknesses.
Snap rings are available in 0.060, 0.074,
0.088, and 0.106 inch thicknesses.
1 8 - 1 1 . Planetary Gear Train.
a. End Play. Measure the end play of the planetary gear
assemblies, the sun gear, and the driving shell before removing
these parts from the output shaft. With the assembly in an
upright position, push the rear annulus gear support down
on the output shaft. Insert a feeler gage between the rear
annulus gear support hub and the output shaft shoulder
replace the thrust washers or other necessary parts.
Figure 18-19. Installing Rear CIutch Spring, Spacer Ring,
and Wave Spring.
(6) Install the inner pressure plate in the clutch re-
tainer with the raised portion of the plate resting on the
(7) Lubricate all clutch plates. Install one line plate
followed by a steel plate until all plates are installed. Install
the outer pressure plate and selective snap ring.
(8) Measure the rear clutch plate clearance by having
an assistant press down firmly on the outer pressure plate.
Then insert a feeler gage between the plate and the snap ring
0.045 inch. If it is not, install a snap ring of proper thickness
to get the specified clearance; low-limit clearance is desirable.
Figure 18-21. Measuring End Play of Planetary Gear Train.
b. Disassembly.
(1) R e m o v e t h e t h r u s t w a s h e r f r o m t h e f o r w a r d e n d
(2) Remove the selective snap ring from the forward
end of the output shaft. Slide the front planetary assembly
off the shaft.
(3) Slide the front annulus gear off the planetary gear
set. Remove the thrust washer from the rear side of the
planetary gear set.
(4) Slide the sun gear, driving shell, and rear planetary
assembly off the output shaft.
(5) Lift the sun gear and driving shell off the rear plan-
etary gear assembly. Remove the thrust washers from inside
the driving shell. Remove the snap ring and steel washer
from the sun gear (rear side of the driving shell) and slide the
Figure 18-20. Measuring Rear Clutch Plate Clearance.
sun gear out of the shell. Remove the front snap ring from