TM 9-2320-266-34
(1) Water pump.
(2) Fuel pump.
(1) Place manifolds on the
two studs on the
(3) Oil falter.
(2) Put the conical washers and nuts on the studs.
(4) Ignition coil.
(3) Put two screws with conical washers inside the ends
(5) Thermostat and housing.
(6) Choke element (mounted on intake manifold).
(4) Tighten all screws and nuts to 25 ft-lbs starting at
(7) Pulley, spacer, and fan.
the center arm and working out.
belt tension for 1/2 to 3/4 inch deflection under firm pressure.
(5) Check the heat riser valve on the right manifold for
Tighten the alternator mounting bolt to 30 ft-lbs. Tighten
free movement; if it binds, apply solvent to both ends of the
the adjusting strap bolt to 17 ft-lbs.
shaft and work it back and forth until it operates freely.
(9) Temperature and oil pressure gage sending units.
11-22. Remaining Components.
(10) Distributor assembly. Set ignition timing
a. General. The sequence shown in b, below is correct for
(TM 9-2320-266-20).
mounting the remaining components on the engine. Detailed
procedures, if required, may be found in part two of this
(11) Spark plugs (gapped to 0.035 inch) and spark
manual or in TM 9-2320-266-20.
plug wires.
b. Sequence of Installation.
Change 7