Figure 24-5. Personnel Heater Test Wiring Setup.
(7) Preset voltage control by trial and error so that
voltage will be 24 volts dc with the full starting load of the
Do not prolong this test more than 3
heater. The test will not be valid unless starting voltage is
minutes since the igniter and transistor
within limits, since ignition time is affected by voltage.
are not designed for continuous service
under these voltage and current conditions.
(8) With the above conditions established set the
HI-LO switch to LO, and then turn heater control switch to
ON. Start timing heater operation from the instant the
(5) If igniter voltage is not within limits, replace the
switch is turned on.
entire ignition control.
(a) Current draw must not exceed 16 amperes.
(6) Connect the fuel line to heater. The heater must
(b) Note fuel flow during the starting cycle. Flow
be mounted in the same position it normally occupies in the
must be more than 0.010, but less than 0.014 lb/rein.
vehicle, since the mounting position affects the fuel flow
through the control valve.
(c) The heater should ignite within 40 seconds.
Change 5