TM 9-2320-266-34
(6) Remove fitting connector of fuel suction hose,
(3) Loosen mounting screw of inside lower comer of
gaskets, and spacer.
starting coil.
(7) Remove valve as a unit from carburetor port.
(4) Disconnect electrical leads of condenser.
b. Repair.
(5) Remove condenser.
(1) Disassemble valve.
b. Test.
(2) Disassemble fuel suction hose assembly.
uity and constant non-fluctuating current. Replace if
(3) Clean all parts.
(4) Inspect falters for broken wire mesh and other
c. Installation.
(1) Position condenser in retaining clamp and secure
(5) Replace damaged or worn parts.
by tightening mounting screw.
(6) Reassemble valve.
(2) Connect electrical leads of condenser.
(7) Reassemble fuel suction hose assembly.
(3) Reinstall starting coil cover and secure by reposi-
c. Installation.
tioning wire springs in place.
(1) install valve on carburetor port.
(4) Close cover and tighten wing screw.
(2) Install fuel suction hose, gaskets, and spacer.
24-17. Circuit Breaker.
Secure these parts to lower end of regulator valve with nut.
a. Test.
(3) Connect fuel suction hose assembly to fuel tank
with hollow screw.
(1) Determine that the 24 volt battery system is
operating (see TM 9-2320-266-20).
(4) Position joint shaft in valve slot.
(2) Place red lead of voltmeter at point where power
(5) Close heater cover and tighten wing screw.
cable connects to circuit breaker. Ground black lead of
24-15. Carburetor Assembly.
voltmeter to bare metal surface and check for 24 volt out-
put. Replace circuit breaker if there is no reading.
a. Removal.
b. Removal.
(1) Loosen heater cover wing screw to open cover.
(1) Disconnect cable from circuit breaker.
(2) Disconnect fuel and air lines from carburetor.
(2) Remove circuit breaker.
(3) Remove rubber plugs from side of heater housing.
c. Installation.
(4) lnsert allen wrench through holes of heater
housing to remove screws that mount carburetor to mixing
(2) Place circuit breaker in position and secure to
(5) Remove carburetor.
24-18. Quick Change Coupling.
b. Repair.
Check wing nut and thread. Replace gasket if worn or
(1) Disassemble carburetor.
(2) Clean all components.
(3) Replace any worn or damaged parts.
a. Removal
(4) Reassemble carburetor.
(1) Loosen the fuel tank cap to relieve any air pres-
c. Installation.
sure that may be in the fuel system.
(1) Position carburetor against side of mixing cham-
(2) Remove filter cover.
ber and secure with mounting screws.
(3) Remove filter element, and clean falter element
(2) Install rubber plugs in side of heater housing.
with compressed air. Replace if necessary.
(3) Connect fuel and air lines to carburetor.
(4) inspect gasket. Replace if damaged or worn.
b. Installation.
(4) Close cover and tighten wing screws.
(1) Position falter element in fuel tank and secure
24-16. Condenser Assembly.
with falter cover.
a. Removal.
(2) Tighten fuel cap.
(1) Loosen heater cover wing screw to open cover.
24-20. Diaphragm Valve.
(2) Push aside wire springs on cover of starting coil.
a. Removal
Remove cover.
(1) Loosen heater cover wing screw to open cover,
Change 5