TM 9-2320-266-34
(b) Place the burner assembly (23) in the heat
(8) Assembly of ignition control.
exchanger (32), and install the four hook-bolts (26), clamps
(a) Place the ignition control (18) on the heater
(24), and nuts (25) loosely in position. Slide the heater
housing (31), and position the leads to face the flame
housing (31) over the heat exchanger and burner. Reinstall
detector switch (9). Secure with three screws (19).
three screws (30) in the housing lap joint.
(c) Aline the igniter pocket on the burner with
the large opening in the housing. Seat the burner (23)
Nut (16) and lockwasher (17) are to attach
firmly into the heat exchanger housing and tighten the four
the ground terminal lead (14) from hatch
nuts (25). Connect the ground strap to nearest clamp and
cover (15) and ground lead from receptacle
secure with another nut (25).
(d) Insert the secondary blower housing (8) in the
(b) Replace the blower lead wire and the three
burner assembly and a-line the access opening with the large
fuel control valve lead wires in the supporting loop on the
hole of heater housing (31). Seat firmly in place.
side of the ignition control. Reconnect leads to terminals as
(3) Assernbty of fiel tube.
(a) Insert the fuel tube assembly (13) through the
(9) Assembly of receptacle. Place the receptacle (33)
secondary blower housing access tube, and connect com-
so that the lead terminals face toward the control valve (6)
pression nut onto the burner bushing. Secure the
with pilot bar on bottom or screw terminal at top. Secure
it with the four screws (34).
(b) Insert the
igniter assembly tube (12) into the
(10) Assembly of fuel control valve.
igniter chamber and secure with screw (19).
(a) Position the fuel control valve (6) with the
(4) Assembly of igniter assembly.
thermostat facing toward the ignition control (18). Se-
(a) Install the igniter assembly (11) by pressing
cure the fuel control valve with the four screws (7).
against the spring to engage the bayonet fastener.
(b) Connect the igniter fuel tube (13) to the
control valve (6) and secure the fitting with nut.
(b) Reposition the hatch cover (15) and secure
with screws.
(c) Thread the blower wire under the fuel valve.
(5) Assembly of blower.
(d) Thread the three fuel control valve lead wires
through the supporting loop on the side of the ignition con-
(a) Thread the blower wire through the hole in
the heater housing and install the grommet (36). Place the
trol and reconnect leads to terminals as tagged.
blower assembly (2) in the blower housing (8) and slide the
(11) Connections
slots under the four screws (3).
(a) Place the lead wires as tagged for the fuel con-
(b) Secure the blower assembly (2) to the housing
trol valve and connect the ground (14) and ground from re-
with the four screws (3).
ceptacle (33) to the ground terminal head and secure with
(c) Connect the motor lead wire to the flame
nut (16).
detector switch (9).
(b) Refer to schematic diagram on inside of guard
assembly (1) and insure the connections are correct.
f. Test.
Assemble with baffle at top.
(1) install heater on a suitable test stand. Connect a
(6) Assembly of overheat switch. Install the over-
flowmeter between fuel pump and heater assembly and
heat switch (21) into the heater housing (31) and secure
attach a shut-off valve near the outlet end of the fuel line.
with the two screws (22).
Make electrical and exhaust connections (fig. 24-5). Do not
connect the fuel line to heater.
(2) Connect a voltmeter between the screw terminal
The adjusting screw is located toward the
of the igniter and ground. Set meter on a low range (0 to
blower end of the heater.
15 volts).
(7) Assembly of flame detector switch.
(3) Using an adjustable source of 24 volts dc, preset
voltage control to 20 volts dc and snap heater control
(a) Insert the flame detector switch (9) into the
switch to ON position. The heater blower must start and
heat exchanger (32). Position the adjustment screw above
run throughout this test to cool the transistor.
the overheat switch.
(4) Reset the applied voltage to 19.5 to 20.5 volts
(b) Secure the switch with nut (37) over
and note voltage at the igniter terminal. It must be at least
sleeve (29).
5.8 but no more than 6.3 volts dc.
(c) Replace the five lead wires to the flame de-
tector switch (9) and reconnect the wire leads as tagged to
the overheat switch (21). Secure with screws (10).
Change 5