TM 9-2320-266-34
(11) Connect the wiring connectors at the steering
wheel on the shaft. Draw the wheel down with the
column jacket. Connect the battery ground cable and test
retaining nut.
the operation of the lights and horns.
(10) Install the horn switch parts previously removed
(12) Connect and adjust the gearshift linkage.
from the steering wheel. Connect the horn switch wire.
(1) 4X4 Models. When checking camber, always take
7-17. General.
two readings on opposite sides of the wheel and average the
a. Camber. Camber is the number of degrees that the top
the steering knuckle and repeat the procedure. If camber
of the wheel is tilted inward or outward from a true vertical.
stall is not correct, repair or replace the axle.
Inward tilt is negative camber; outward tilt is positive camber
b. Caster. Caster is the number of degrees of forward or
backward tilt at the top of the spindle support arm. For-
ward tilt is negative caster; backward tilt is positive caster.
c. Toe-in. The leading edges of the front tires are closer
together than the trading edges. This distance, measured in
fractions of an inch, is called toe-m.
(2) 4X2 Models. On the upper, inner control arm
ment nuts the same number of degrees to adjust camber.
Turning toward the frame decreases positive camber; turning
them toward the spindle increases positive camber.
Figure 7-16. Wheel Alinement Factors.
a. Before adjusting wheel alinement, inspect the truck for
worn, damaged, or badly adjusted steering and suspension
components. In this inspection, be sure to include the front
wheel bearings, radial and lateral tire runout, wheel balance,
Figure 7-17. 4X2 Alinement Adjustment
ball joints and steering linkage pivot points, and shock ab-
Locations and Directions.
sorbers. Adjust the steering gear, if necessary. Check the
rear springs for cracked or broken leaves. Make any neces-
b. Adjust Caster. Check caster with the truck unloaded.
sary corrections before alining the wheels.
Low positive caster (tilting of the kingpin toward the rear)
keeps the steering wheel from returning to the straight-ahead
b. Remove all foreign material from exposed threads of
position during turns. High positive caster increases the tend-
the cam adjusting bolts. Make other preparations in accord-
ency of the steering wheel to turn straight ahead, causing in-
ance with your equipment operating instructions.
7-19. Alinement Procedures.
(1) Make sure camber is within limits (a, above).
a. Check/Adjust Camber. Use the wheel alinement
(2) Measure caster of the left wheel with the wheels
turned 20 degrees to the right, then 20 degrees to the left.
Change 6