TM 9-2320-266-34
(a) 4X4 Models. Toe-in should be 1/8 inch.
(8) Tighten the clamping bolts on the tie rod ends.
(9) Check the toe-in again to make sure it is correct.
(b) 4X2 models. Toe-in should be 1/16 to 1/8
d. Adjust Turning Angle. When adjusting the turning
angle, take your readings with the wheels turned full-left or
(6) Loosen the clamping bolts on both ends of the tie
full-right. If turning angle is not correct (table 7-1), looscn
rod sleeve.
or tighten the stop screw until it just contacts the axle
(7) Turn the tie rod sleeve in the direction required to
housing when the wheels are at the specified angle. Tack-
bring toe-in within limits.
weld the screw to the locknut and repeat the procedure for
the other side of the truck.
On 4X2 models, turn each side equally to
maintain a centered steering wheel.
Change 1