TM 9-2320-266-34
c. Lift off the cargo box.
b. Mount the tendcr end on the cab sheet metal, using
either of the following mounting methods:
d. To install, reverse the above procedure.
(1) Use two studs.
8-7. Removing and Installing the Telephone Main-
(2) Use a stud on the lower mounting and a screw
tenance Body.
and washer in the top mounting.
a. Remove the four attaching nuts and washers.
c. Spacers may be used with either attaching method. If
b. Disconnect taillight and backup light wires.
so, be sure to use the same amount of spacers that were re-
c. Lilt thc maintenance body off, using the ladder loops.
moved during disassembly of the front end.
d. Position body.
8-6. Removing and Installing the Cargo Box.
e. Connect taillight and backup light wires.
a. Remove the attaching bolts.
f. Install four attaching nuts and washers.
b. Disconnect taillight and backup light wires.
Change 3
8-3/8-4 (blank)