TM 9-2320-266-34
(12) Tighten the axle shaft nut to 100 ft-lbs. Con-
(5) Disconnect the shock absorbers at the lower
tinue to tighten the nut until the next slot in the nut tines
with the cotter key. Install the cotter key.
(6) Remove the nuts and washers from the spring
(13/ Locate the inside brake pad on the adapter with
"U" bolts. Remove the axle assembly from the vehicle.
the flanges in the adapter ways. Slide the caliper assembly
b. Installation.
into position in the adapter and over the disc. Aline the
caliper on the machined ways of the adapter. Be careful not
to pull the dust boot from its grooves as the piston and boot
If axle assembly is changed, record part
slide over the inside pad,
number on DA Form 2408-10 (Equipment
Component Register).
(14) Install the anti-rattle springs and the retaining
clips and torque them to 17 ft-lbs.
(1) Position the axle under the vehicle. Put the
spring clip plates over the springs with the sway bar
mounting bracket holes facing toward the rear. Install
The inside pad anti-rattle spring must al-
the spring "U" bolts, washers, and nuts and tighten
ways be installed on top of the retainer
them to 110 ft-lbs.
spring plate.
(2) Connect the shock absorbers at the lower
(15) install the wheel and tighten the nuts. Lubricate
mounts. Install the nuts and tighten them to 55 ft-lbs.
at all fittings. Remove the jack stands and test steering
(3) Connect the hydraulic brakelines.
(4) Connect the drag link to the steering knuckle
6-3. Front Axle Assembly.
arm. Install the castellated nut and tighten it to 60
ft-lbs. Continue to tighten the nut until the slot is
a. Removal.
alined with the hole in the stud. Install the cotter key.
(1) Chock the rear wheels. Raise the vehicle and in-
(5) Connect the front propeller shaft at the drive
stall jack stands.
pinion yoke. Install the washers and nuts and tighten
(2) Disconnect the front propeller shaft at
the drive
them to 25 ft-lbs.
pinion yoke.
(6) Bleed the brakes, lubricate at all fittings, and
(3) Disconnect the drag link at the steering knuckle
check the differential lubrication level.
(7) Lower the vehicle and test its operation.
(4) Disconnect the flexible hydraulic brakeline at
the frame crossmember.
go. Mark the position on the pinion seal guard and the
6-4. General.
carrier nose.
The rear axle is of the integral carrier-housing, hypoid-
b. Rotate the propeller shaft counterclockwise. Mark
gear type, in which the centerline of the drive pinion is
the pinion seal guard in line with the mark you made on the
carrier nose.
The rear axle housing is an iron casting with tubular legs
pressed into and welded to the carrier to form an assembly.
c. Measure the distance between the two marks on the
A removable cover is bolted to the rear of the carrier to per-
pinion seal guard If the distance is greater than 3/16 inch,
mit visual inspection of the differential without removing
the complete rear axle from the vehicle. For a description
6-5. Rear Axle.
a Removal.
64.1 Axle Backlash Clearance Test.
(1) Raise the rear of the truck. Support the body in
With the engine off, the transmission in Neutral, and the
front of the rear springs.
parking brake applied, use the following procedure 10 check
(2) Chock the front wheels.
the axle backlash:
a. Rotate the propeller shaft clockwise as far as it will
Change 6