TM 9-2320-266-34
6-2. Steering Knuckle and Ball Joint.
6-1. General.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
The front driving axle is composed of the outer drive
assemblies with ball joints, the differential carrier and tube
(1) Remove the cotter key and loosen the outer axle
assembly (axle housing), and the differential case and drive
shaft nut.
pinion assembly. Replacement parts such as a broken axle
(2) Raise the vehicle and install jack stands. Remove
shaft, outer drive assembly, wheel bearings, oil seals, uni-
the wheel.
versal joints, or brake parts can be serviced without com-
(3) Remove the caliper retainer and anti-rattle spring
pletely removing the axle assembly. Remove the front axle
assemblies. Remove the caliper from the disc by sliding it
assembly for complete disassembly and inspection in con-
out and away from the disc. Secure the caliper out of the
nection with any major repairs.
way; do not let it hang or be supported by the hydraulic
a. The axle is of the integral carrier-housing, hypoid-gear
brake hose. Remove the inside pad.
type, in which the centerline of the drive pinion is mounted
below the centerline of the ring gear.
remove the six capscrews from the retainer plate.
b. The differential housing is an iron casting with tubu-
(5) Remove the outer axle shaft nut. Use a puller to
lar axle housings pressed into and welded to the carrier to
remove the rotor and hub assembly.
form an assembly. A removable cover is bolted to the
carrier to permit visual inspection of the differential with-
out removing the complete axle from the vehicle.
c. A small metal tag is attached beneath one of the cover
screws to identify the axle ratio. This tag is stamped with the
number of teeth on the drive pinion and ring gear, and by
dividing the larger number (ring gear teeth) by the smaller
number (drive pinion), you can determine the axle ratio.
d. The drive pinion is supported by two preloaded taper
roller bearing cones. The rear pinion bearing cone is tightly
pressed onto the pinion stem; the front pinion bearing is
pressed lightly onto the pinion stem. The front and rear
bearing cups are pressed against a shoulder recessed in the
carrier. The drive pinion depth of mesh adjustment is con-
trolled by shims between the rear pinion bearing cup and the
carrier casting.
e. Drive pinion bearing preload is maintained by shim
packs between the drive pinion bearing shoulder and the
front pinion bearing cone.
Figure 6-1. Removing Capscrews from Retainer Plate.
f. The differential is supported by two tapered roller
bearing cones which are pressed on the differential case hubs.
(6) Remove and discard the "O" ring from the steer-
Shims installed between the bearing cone and the shoulder
ing knuckle. Remove the capscrews from the brake splash
of the hub of the differential perform three functions:
shield. Remove the disc brake adapter from the steering
(1) They control differential side play.
(2) They provide a means to adjust and maintain
(7) Disconnect the tie rod from the steering knuckle.
backlash between the ring gear and drive pinion.
Disconnect the drag link from the steering knuckle arm.
(3) They provide a means of setting differential bear-
(8) Using a punch and hammer, remove the inner oil
ing preload.
seal from the rear of the steering knuckle (figure 6-2). Care-
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