TM 9-2320-266-34
(15) Clean all components with solvent and blow then
dry with compressed air. Inspect all parts for burrs, chips,
or cracks. Replace defective parts.
b. Assembly and Installation.
(1) Position the steering knuckle right side up in a
vise. Using tool C4212-L and adapter set C-4288 positioned
as shown in figure 6-6, carefully press the lower ball joint
into position. Install the snap ring.
(2) Using tool C-4212-L and adapter set C4288
psitioned as shown in figure 6-7, press the upper ball joint
into position. Install boots on both ball joints.
Figure 6-7. Installing Upper Ball Joint.
(8) Slide the axle shaft into position. Using tool
install the brake splash shield and tighten the mounting
screws. Position the disc brake adapter on the steering
knuckle. Install and tighten the mounting bolts to 85 ft-lbs.
Figure 6-6. Installing Lower Ball Joint.
(3) Screw a new sleeve into the upper ball joint yoke
on the axle housing, leaving about two threads showing at
the top.
(4) Position the steering knuckle on the axle housing
yoke and install a lower ball joint nut. Tighten to 80 ft-lbs.
(5) Using tool C4169 and a
torque wrench, tighten
the sleeve in the upper ball joint yoke to 40 ft-lbs. Install
the upper ball joint nut and tighten to 100 ft-lbs. Continue
to tighten the nut until the slot is alined with the hole in the
stud. Install the cotter key.
Figure 6-8. installing Inner Oil Seal in Steering Knuckle.
(6) When working on the left side, position the steer-
(9) Install a new "O" ring on the steering knuckle.
ing knuckle arm over the studs on the steering knuckle, In-
stall the tapered dowels and nuts. Tighten the nuts to 90
(10) Clean any rust from the axle shaft splines. Slide
ft-lbs. Assemble the drag link to the steering knuckle arm.
the rotor, hub, retainer, and bearing over the axle shaft and
Install the nuts and tighten them to 60 ft-lbs. Install the
start them into the housing. install the axle shaft nut.
cotter key.
(11) Through the hole in the flange, aline the retainer
(7) Assemble the tie rod end to the steering knuckle,
to the steering knuckle flange. Install the capscrews and,
Install the nut and tighten it to 45 ft-lbs. Install the cotter
using a crisscross method to evenly pull the assembly into
the steering knuckle housing, tighten them to 30 ft-lbs.
Change 6