TM 9-2320-266-34
4-12. Band Adjustments,
a Kickdown Band. The kickdown band adjusting screw
is located on the left side of the transmission case near the
(1) Loosen the locknut and back off approximately five
turns. Inspect the adjusting screw for free turning in the
transmission case,
(2) Using a
torque wrench, with adapter,
the band, adjusting the screw to 47 to 50 in-lbs. If
adjustments are made on the bench without adapter,
tighten the adjusting screw to 72 in-lbs, which is the
true torque.
(3) Back off the adjusting screw 2-1 /2 turns. Hold
the adjusting screw in this position and tighten the locknut
to 35 ft-lbs.
Figure 4-26. Back-Up Light and Neutral Park Safety
Switch Installed.
b. Low and Reverse Band
(1) To test the switch, remove the wiring connector
(1) Raise the vehicle, drain the transmission fluid, and
and test for continuity between the center pin of the switch
remove the oil pan.
and the transmission case. Continuity should exist only
(2) Loosen the adjusting screw locknut and back off
when the transmission is in "P" or "N. "
the nut approximately five turns (figure 4-27). Inspect the ad-
(2) Check the gear selector linkage adjustment before justing screw for free turning in the lever,
replacing a switch.
(3) Using a
torque wrench with adapter,
(3) Unscrew the switch from the transmission case
the band adjusting screw to 72 in-lbs.
allowing the fluid to drain into a container. Move the selec-
(4) Back off the adjusting screw two turns. Hold the
tor lever to `P" and then to "N," and inspect to see that the
adjusting screw in this position and tighten the locknut to
switch operating lever fingers are centered in the switch
30 ft-lbs.
opening in the case.
(5) Reinstall the oil pan using a new gasket. Tighten
(4) Screw the switch and the new seal into the trans-
mission case and tighten to 24 ft.lbs. Retest the switch with the oit pan bolt to 150 in-lbs.
the test lamp.
(6) Fill the transmission with "DEXRON II" type
automatic transmission fluid.
(5) Add fluid to the transmission to bring it up to the
proper level.
(6) The back-up light switch circuit is through the two
outside terminals of the three-terminal switch.
(7) To test the switch. remove the wiring connector
and test for continuity between the two outside pins.
(8) Continuity should exist only with the transmission
in the "R" position.
(9) No continuity should exist from either pin to the
Figure 4-27. Low-Reverse Band Adjustment Screw.
Change 7