TM 9-2320-266-34
(4) Attach and clamp the air hose nozzle to the pipe
nipple, which is in the rear cooler line fitting position in the
Figure 4-18. Vent Plug Retainer.
Figure 4-20. Pressurizing the Transmission.
(1) Install the
filler tube bore plug, the
propeller shaft
(5) Pressurize the transmission using an appropriate air
yoke (tie in with cord or wire), the flared tube fitting cap (on
front cooler line fitting), and the pipe nipple (in the case at
housing and the case front with a soapy solution or water
and look for leaks. If you locate a definite leak source, re-
place that part and all associated seals and gaskets with new
parts. Leaks may also be caused by porosity in the case or
pump housing.
Do not, under any circumstances, pressur-
ize a transmission to more than 10 psi.
e. Torque Converter Pressure Test. If
fluid leakage
occurs in the bell housing area, the torque converter can be
leak-checked as follows after removing it from the
(1) Drain all the oil from the converter. If flushing is
required, flush before checking for leakage.
(2) Connect an air hose to the converter and apply a
maximum of 100 psi air pressure.
(3) Submerge the converter in a tank of water and
observe the hub, ring gear, and seam welds for bubbles. Five
to ten minutes may be required for bubbles to develop from
small leaks. If no bubbles develop, the welds are not leaking.
Figure 4- 19. Transmission Prepared for Test.
If leakage occurs, replace the converter.
4-8. Services.
(2) Remove the necessary front pump housing bolts
a. General. Various transmission components can be re-
and the vent shield. Install the vent plug (rubber stopper),
moved for repairs without removing the transmission from
and the vent plug retainer, preferably using longer bolts than
the vehicle. The removal, reconditioning, and installation
those removed.
procedures for these components are covered here.
(3) With rotary motion, install the converter hub seal
(1) If the transmission is disassembled for any reason,
cup over the input shaft and through the converter hub seal
change the fluid.
until the cup bottoms against the pump rotor lugs. Secure it
with the cup retainer strap (figure 4-17) using the converter-
(2) Adjust the bands and change the filter whenever
housing-to-engine-block retaining bolts.
you change the fluid.