TM 9-2320-266-34
Figure 4-22. Converter Drain Plug.
d. If necessary, adjust the reverse band.
e. Install a new falter on the bottom of the valve body,
and tighten the retaining screws to 35 in-lbs.
f. Clean the oil pan. and reinstall II using a new gasket.
Tighten the 011 pan bolts to 150 in-lbs.
g. Pour SIX quarts of "Dexron" type automatic trans-
Figure 4-23. Gear Selector Linkage Adjustment.
mission fluid through the filler tube.
h. Start the engine and let it idle for at least 2 minutes.
Then, with the parking brake on, move the selector lever
momentary to each position, ending m the neutral position.
i. Add sufficient fluid to bring the level to the ADD ONE
PINT mark. Recheck the fluid level after the transmission is
at normal operating temperature, making sure the level is be-
tween the FULL and ADD ONE PINT marks.
j. To prevent dirt from entering the transmission, make
certain that the dipstick cap is fully seated onto the filler
4-10, Gear Selector Linkage Adjustment.
a. Assemble all linkage parts leaving the adjustable rod
end free.
Figure 4-24. Exremal Controls and Adjustment.
b. Place the gear selector lever in "P."
c. Move the selector control lever on the transmission all
d. Set the adjustable rod to the proper length and install
it with no load in either direction on the linkage.
e. Check adjustment as follows:
(1) The selector lever must move easily and the dif.
ferent selector positions must be clearly felt,
(2) The detent position must be close enough to gate
stops in "N" and "D" to assure that the hand lever will not
Figure 4-25. Back-Up Light and Neutral Park
remain out of the detent position when placed against the
gate and then released.
Safety Switch.
(3) Key start must only occur with the selector lever
in the "P" or "N" positions. Tighten the adjustment swivel
lock bolt to 125 in-lbs.
a Replacement and Test. The neutral safety switch is
the center terminal of the three-terminal switch. it provides
4-11. Back-Up Light and Neutral Park Safety Switch.
ground for the starter solenoid circuit through the selector
lever in only "P" and "N" positions.
Change 7