TM 9-2320-266-34
Figure 21-14. Steering Column.
Figure 21-16. Bending Shift Tube Tabs.
(b) Loosen the shift tube set screw in the shift
Figure 21-17. Lower Steering Column.
jacket. Aline the holes and install screws through the
jacket into the support at the lower end of the jacket.
Tighten to 30 in-lbs.
c. Place the spring washer on the shift housing so that
the center of the curved washer bears against the housing
Figure 21-15. Shift Tube Set Screw.
(c) Straighten the tabs at the top of the shift tube
d. Install the shift housing over the jacket while guiding
the shift housing and spring washer from the column jacket.
e. Hold the parts firmly together and tighten the lock
(d) Remove shift tube support retaining screws
from the lower end of the column jacket and remove the
f. Bend the corners of the slot in the shift tube out
e. Column Jacket.
g. Seat the
housing on
top of the jacket,
indexing the
(1) Remove the spring washer from the upper end of
key in the housing with the slot in the jacket. Insert all
the jacket.
four screws and tighten them alternately to insure proper
(2) Remove the "O" ring and support plate assembly
seating of the housing on the jacket. Tighten to 80 in-lbs.
parts from the lower end of the jacket.
h. Insert the shift lever and the shift lever gate spring
21-6. Reassembling the Column.
into the shift housing and drive in the retaining rolled pin.
Support the housing with a socket to protect the paint.
a. Install the "O" ring retainer, "O" ring, and floor
plate on the lower end of the column jacket. This must
be done before installing the shift tube.
j. With the ignition key cylinder in the LOCK position,
b. Slide the shift tube and support into the column
and with the key removed, insert the key cylinder into the