TM 9-2320-266-34
Figure 22-7. Master Cylinder (Disassembled).
(2) Apply brake fluid on the master cylinder bore.
Figure 22-5. Removing Rear Piston Assembly.
(3) Slide the front piston assembly into the cylinder
(8) Slide the front piston assembly from the cylinder
(4) Slide the rear piston assembly into the cylinder.
(5) Compress the pistons and install the front piston
retainer screw.
(6) Position the washer and install the snapring.
(7) Install the residual pressure valve and spring in
the rear brake outlet, and install the tube seats.
e. Bleeding.
(1) Clamp the master cylinder in a vise and attach the
(2) Fill both the reservoirs with brake fluid.
(3) Using a rod, push in on the piston assemblies, then
release the pressure allowing the springs to return to the
pistons. Repeat this operation until there are no air bubbles.
(4) Remove the
bleeding tubes from the
cylinder and
install the gasket and cover.
(5) Install the cover clamp and remove the master
Figure 22-6. Removing Front Piston Assembly.
cylinder from the vise.
22-2. Brake Caliper Assembly.
c. Inspection.
a. Piston Removal.
(1) Clean all parts in a solvent and blow dry.
(2) Wash the cylinder bore with clean brake fluid and
(1) Clamp the brake caliper in a vise with protected
inspect it for scoring or pitting. Replace, if necessary.
(3) Inspect the master cylinder bore walls for
(2) Remove the piston using the following procedures:
scratches and clean with a crocus cloth.
(a) Position a block of wood (about 3/8 inch
(a) If the cylinder bore has deep scratches, it
thick) where the outboard shoe belongs.
should be honed.
(b) Close the bleeder valve, if it is open.
(b) If the cylinder bore walls do not cleanup at
(c) Using compressed air (regulated to a pressure
0.002 inch when honed, then replace the master cylinder.
of less than 25 psi), remove the piston by blowing air into
the caliper brake line hole.
(4) Check the
pistons for scoring or
corrosion and
replace, if necessary.
(5) Replace all cups and seals.
When removing the piston from the caliper,
d. Assembly.
do not use more than 25 psi air pressure.
(1) Dip all the component parts in clean brake fluid
Do not put your hand or anything else
between the block of wood and the piston.
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