TM 9-2320-266-34
Figure 21-6. Filling Bali Guide and Circuit
Figure 21-5. Filling Ball Guides.
(Top-Loading Type).
(3) Count 25 balls into a clean container. This is the
correct number of balls for one circuit.
(1) Slip the ball nut over the wormshaft with the ball
(4) Load the balls into one of the guide holes while
guide holes facing upward, and the shallow end of the ball
turning the wormshaft gradually away from that hole. When
nut teeth toward the left as viewed from the steering wheel
all 25 of the balls have been installed, the circuit is complete.
position. Aline the grooves in the worm and nut by sighting
through the ball guide holes.
(5) Fill the remaining ball circuits in the same manner.
(2) Place two ball guide halves together and insert
them into the upper circuit in the ball nut. Place the re-
21-4. Reassembling the Steering Box.
maining two guides together and insert them in the lower
19-Lash adjuster locknut
13-Side cover gasket
6-Ball nut
20-Side cover bolts
14-Sector shaft bushing
21-Ball guide clamp screws
15-Sector shaft
8-Upper ball bearing
l-Worm bearing adjuster locknut
22-Ball guide clamp
16-Lash adjuster
9-Upper worm bearing cup
2-Worm bearing adjuster
3-Lower worm bearing cup
23-Ball guides
17-Lash adjuster shim
10-Sector shaft seal
24-Recirculating balls
18-Housing side cover and bushing
4-Lower ball bearing
11 -Housing
12-Wormshaft seal
5-Lower bearing retainer
Figure 21-7. Steering Gear.