TM 9-2320-289-205-2.TRANSMISSION FILTER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE (Con’t). new transmission oil filter assembly (9), spacer (8), new screen grommet (13), intakepipe (14), and seal (7) into transmission housing with bolt (10), ensuring that locating tab isalined. Tighten bolt to 125-160 lb.-in. (14–18 N•m).NOTEIf installing a new transmission oil pan gasket (11) with transmission oilpan (2), perform steps 4 and 6 through 12.If applying RTVsteps 5-12.Install new transmissionscrew holes.sealant or installing a new transmission oit pan, performoil pan gasket (11) on lip of transmission oil pan (2) and aline withNOTETransmission oil pan (1) must be clean and dry before applyingsealant.Apply a 3/16 in. (4.7 mm) bead of RTV sealant around lip of transmission oilRTVpan (2).Install magnet (12) into transmission oil pan (2).Install transmission oil pan (2) with 13 transmission oil pan screws (5). Evenly tighten screws to125-160 lb.-in. (14-18 N•m).NOTESteps 8 and 9 only apply to trucks equipped with winterization kits.Install rear exhaust pipe (4) andclamp (3) to rear of transmission oilpan(2) .Tightenc l a m p t o75-95 lb.-in. (9-11 N•m).Install heat exchange pipe (6) to frontof transmission oil pan (2) using 2bolts(1).Tightenbolts to25-30 lb.-in. (2-3 N•m).Fill transmission with hydraulic fluid.(See LO 9-2320-289-12)With engine idling, and with parkingbrakeset,movetransmissiongearshift lever through all gearpositions, then return it to “P“ (Park).Check hydraulic fluid level and add asrequired.Check transmission oil pan (2) forleaks.TA496355-5
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