TM 9-2320-266-34
(24) Using a press (tool DD-914-P) with ring DD-
914-9, C-293-18 plates, and a C-293-3 extension, remove
the bearing remover does not pull on the bearing cage.
Figure 20-8. Removing Rear Bearing Cone from Pinion.
(32) Check all bearing cups and cones for nicks, roller
end wear, grooves, or any damage, and replace accordingly.
(33) Examine the differential pinion mate shaft,
pinion mates, side gears, and thrust washers for wear or dam-
age. Replace all defective parts. Pinion mates must be re-
placed in sets.
(34) All seals, once removed, should be replaced with
new parts.
(35) Drive gears and drive pinions
are available in
matched sets. Do not replace one gear or one pinion only.
b. Assembly and Installation.
(1) Lubricate all parts with differential lubricant. In-
stall the differential side gears and thrust washers, pinion
mates and thrust washers, and the pinion mate shaft in the
differential case. Aline the hole in the shaft with the hole in
the case. Drive in the lockpin. If gears and washers are used,
it will not be necessary to check gear backlash since manu-
Figure 20-7. Removing Differential Bearings.
facturing tolerances are close and provide correct fit.
(25) Remove the bearing shims. If the drive gear and
(2) Place the differential case assembly in a holding
drive pinion are to be reassembled, note the position of the
fixture. Install the drive gear with new bolts. Tighten the
shims so they may be installed accordingly. Replace dam-
bolts to 45-60 ft-lbs.
aged shims with new ones of the same thickness.
(26) Place the carrier and tube assembly on an arbor
press. Press out the drive pinion shaft and rear bearing cone
assembly. Lift the bearing preload shim pack off the shaft
(4) Install spreader tool W-129-A and a dial indicator
assembly and record shim thickness.
on the carrier and spread the case 0.015 to 0.020 inch (fig-
ure 20-5). Then remove the dial indicator fixture.
(27) Lift out the oil seal gasket, the slinger, and the
front bearing cone.
(5) Position the bearing cups on the differential bear-
ing cones and place the differential case assembly in the car-
(28) Remove the front and rear bearing cups from the
rier. Install the bearing caps in their correct positions and
carrier using a drift. Remove the shims from in back of the
tighten the bearing cap bolts finger-tight.
rear cup and record the thickness of the shims.
(6) Remove the spreader and install the dial indicator
(29) Using a press (tool DD-914-P), with ring DD-
fixture with the indicator pointer contacting the back of the
914-9, and C-293-39 plates, remove the rear pinion bearing
drive gear.
located so as not to pull on the bearing cage.
(7) Place a screwdriver blade between the bearing cup
and housing, and pry the case assembly as far as possible to
(30) Wash all parts including the carrier and tube
one side of the housing. Set the dial indicator at zero. Pry
assembly with suit able solvent. Do not steam clean. Figure
the case to the opposite side of the housing and record the
20-9 shows an exploded
view of
the differential assembly.
(31) Examine all bearing surfaces and splines for
shims needed behind the side bearings to take up the clear-
burrs or scoring. Remove burrs with a hand stone.
ance between the differential bearing cups and the case.