TM 9-2320-266-34
Figure 4-10. Pressure Test Locations (Right Side of Case).
Figure 4-11. Pressure Test Locations (Rear End of Case).
(3) Move the selector lever on the transmission all the
d. Test Two (Selector In "2 ").
way forward (to the "1" position).
(1) Attach a 100 psi gage to the line pressure port, and
(4) Read the pressures on both gages as the throttle
fit a "T" into the rear cooler line fitting to read the lubrica-
lever on the transmission is moved from the full forward
tion pressure.
position to the full rearward position.
(2) Operate the engine at 1,000 rpm.
(5) The line pressure should read 54 to 60 psi with
(3) Move the selector lever on the transmission one
the throttle lever forward. It should gradually increase, as
detent back from the full forward position ("2" position).
the lever is moved rearward, to 90 to 96 psi.
(4) Read the pressures on both gages as the throttle
(6) The rear servo pressure should read within 3 psi of
lever on the transmission is moved from the full forward
the line pressure. This tests the pump output, pressure regu -
position to the full rearward position.
lation, and the condition of the rear clutch and the rear servo
hydraulic circuits.