TM 9-2320-289-20
(3) For Operation of Equipment in Protracted Cold Temperatures Below -150F. (-260C). Remove lu-
bricants prescribed in lubrication table for temperatures above -15°F(-26°C). Relubricate with lubricants
specified in lubrication table for temperatures below -15°F (-26°C). If OEA lubricant is required to meet the
temperature ranges prescribed in the lubrication table. OEA lubricant is to be used in place of OE/HDO 10
lubricant for all temperature ranges where OE/HDO 10 is specified in the lubrication table.
c. Perform all (S) inspections in addition to(A) inspections at the time of the annual inspection. Perform all
(A) and (S) inspections in addition to (B) inspections at the time of the biennial inspection.
All vehicle shortcomings will be reported on DA form 2404 (DA Pam 738-750), Equipment Inspection and
Maintenance Worksheet, immediately after the PMCS, and before taking corrective action. All vehicle defi-
ciencies will be reported in the equipment record.
a. While performing specific PMCS procedures, make sure items are correctly assembled, secure, not
worn, serviceable, not leaking, and adequately lubricated as defined below.
(1) An item is CORRECTLY ASSEMBLED when it is in proper position and all parts are present.
(2) When wires, nuts, washers, hoses, or attaching hardware cannot be moved by hand, or wrench,
they are SECURE.
(3) An item is WORN if there is too much play between joining parts or when marking data, warning,
and caution plates are not readable.
(4) An item is UNSERVICEABLE if it is worn beyond repair and is likely to fail before the next sched-
uled inspection.
(5) LEAKS. TM 9-2320-289-10 contains definitions of Class I, II, and Ill leaks and their effect on vehi-
cle operation.
(6) If an item meets the specified lubrication requirements, then it is ADEQUATELY LUBRICATED.
b. Where the instruction "lighten appears in a procedure, you must tighten with a wrench to the given
torque value even when the item appears to be secure.
Drycleaning solvent is inflammable and will not be used near an open flame. A fire extinguisher
will be kept nearby when the solvent is used. Use only in well-ventilated places. Failure to do
this may result in injury to personnel, and/or damage to equipment.
c. Where the instruction clean appears in a procedure, you must use drycleaning solvent (Appendix C,
Item 15) to clean grease or oil from metal parts. After the item is cleaned, rinsed, and dried, apply a light grade
of oil to unprotected surfaces to prevent rusting.
d. Clean rubber and plastic materials with soap and water. Refer to TM 9-2320-289-10 for general vehicle
cleaning instructions.