TM 9-2320-266-34
2-1. General Information.
b. Using the Trouble Trees. To use the trees, first locate
the tree for the malfunctioning system (engine, etc.). Then,
This chapter contains information for locating and cor-
look across the top line of boxes until you find the trouble
recting many of the troubles which may develop in the truck.
symptom (engine will not crank, etc.). Finally, check the
Testing procedures for most systems and components are in-
test/malfunction boxes listed underneath the trouble symp-
cluded in the maintenance paragraphs for the system or com-
tom (check amp gage, etc.) until you find the solution to the
ponent affected. The "trouble trees" (figures 2-1 through
problem. Always perform all applicable tests before replacing
2-5 ) in this chapter are designed as a quick-reference diag-
a component.
nostic guide.
c. Malfunctions at Lower Maintenance Levels. Malfunc-
2-2. Troubleshooting Procedures.
tions correctable at the organizational level have been left
a. Organization of the Trouble Trees. The trouble trees
out of the trouble trees in this manual. When suggested cor-
are organized as a direct continuation of the trouble trees
rections involve complex testing or repairs, Direct Support
contained in TM 9-2320-266-20. Where possible, they are
and General Support personnel should first insure that all
organizational-level tests and corrections have been taken
organized into the sequence most likely to locate and correct
care of by organizational maintenance.
malfunctions with a minimum of testing.
Figure 2-1. Troubleshooting the Transfer.