TM 9-2320-289-34
2 .
Locate extreme end of crack and drill a 0.25 in. (6 mm) hole.
3 .
V grind entire length of crack from starting point to 0.25 in. (6 mm) hole at extreme end.
4 .
Using a hacksaw blade, open up bottom of crack 0.062 in. (2 mm) to allow good penetration
of weld.
5 .
Weld crack in accordance with TM 9-237,
6 .
Grind weld smooth on both inside and outside of rail or crossmember. Eliminate all weld
buildup or notches on edge of flange.
7 .
Install reinforcements as outlined in TB 9-2300-247-40 as required.
f .
l Frame straightening can be complicated and usually requires special
equipment. Only experienced personnel should attempt this procedure.
l DO NOT heat frame any hotter than 1200°F (606°C) when straightening
frame. A red glow indicates that material is overheated. Use of
excessive heat may weaken strength and durability of frame.
Most frame straightening operations can be accomplished without use of
heat. Cold straightening procedures are recommended for repair of CUCV
Series truck frames. The following procedure may be used when cold
straightening techniques are not effective.
1. Apply pressure, to area to be straightened, until slight checking (silvery cracks) appear on
surface of metal. Begin heating at this point, using torch with rosebud heating tip. Gradually
increase pressure while heating until frame is straightened.