TM 9-2320-280-34
Inspect front clutch plate (6) for warping, distortion, and damage. Replace clutch assembly if
plate (6) is damaged.
Inspect pulley (4) and bearing (5) for cracks, scoring, or damage. Replace clutch assembly if rotor
pulley (4) or bearing (5) is damaged.
Inspect field coil (3) for broken or damaged lead wires (1) and (2), gouges, and damage. Replace
field coil (3) if leads (1) and (2) are damaged.
Connect positive lead of multimeter to lead 433 (1) on field coil (3). Connect negative lead of
multimeter to lead 798 (2) on field coil. Field coil (3) should read 2.0 to 15.0 ohms of resistance. If
field coil resistance test is not within specifications, replace field coil (3).
d. Assembly
Perform steps 1 through 5 if cylinder head or valve plate
assembly was removed. Perform steps 6 through 29 if compressor
shaft oil seal or clutch assembly was removed.
Coat valve plate assembly (10) with lubricating oil. Install cylinder head gaskets (9) and (11) on
valve plate assembly (10), making sure gaskets (9) and (11) do not restrict oil holes in valve plate
assembly (10).
Align valve plate assembly (10) with compressor cylinder block (12) cylinders, and install valve
plate assembly (10) on compressor cylinder block (12).
Make sure valve plate assembly alignment pins are engaged, and
all bolt holes and oil holes are unrestricted by gaskets before
installing cylinder head.
Position cylinder head (8), with fittings on same side of compressor cylinder block (12) as oil fill
hole, and install cylinder head (8) on valve plate assembly (10) without misaligning gasket (9).
Install five capscrews (7) into cylinder head (8) and tighten capscrews (7) finger tight.
Tighten five capscrews (7) to 10-15 lb-ft (14-20 Nm) in tightening sequence shown. Then retighten
to 22-25 lb-ft (30-34 Nm) in tightening sequence shown.
Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi
(207 kPa). Use only with effective chip guarding and personal
protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc.).
Clean seal housing (13) and shaft (14) thoroughly with lubricating oil, a clean lint free cloth, and
dry with compressed air. Make sure all foreign substances are removed from seal housing (13) and
shaft (14).
Insert seal sleeve protector over shaft (14). Dip mating surfaces of seal (15) in lubricating oil and
slide seal (15) over seal sleeve protector and into seal housing (13).
Place seal (15) in slots of seal remover and installer and install seal (15) into seal housing (13),
making sure seal (15) is fully seated in seal housing (13). Twist seal remover and installer
counterclockwise to disengage from seal (15) and remove seal remover and installer.
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