TM 55-2320-242-15-1
Section I. GENERAL
and prescribes materials and guidance to prepare, load,
7-1. Scope
tie down, and unload the vehicle.
This chapter provides rail transportability guidance for
7-2. Maximum Utilization of Railcars
movement of the M561. It covers significant technical
and physical characteristics and safety considerations
Additional cargo, as approved by the activity offering the
vehicle for transport, may be transported with the M561.
7-3. General
b. After loading and placement of vehicle at the
The M561, when loaded on suitable railcars, can be
tiedown position, the handbrake on vehicle must be set
transported on CONUS railways without sectionalization
and the gearshift lever for the transmission must be
or major disassembly. It can be transported within the
placed and wire-tied in its neutral position.
Association of American Railroads' Outline Diagram of
Single Loads, Without End Overhang, on Open Top
a general-purpose flatcar. Table 7-1 is the bill of
Cars as shown in both the Railway Line Clearance
materials and table 7-2 is the application of these
Publication and the Official Railway Equipment Register.
materials for the blocking and tiedown of one M561 on a
Flatcars having a width of 9 feet are required to
general-purpose flatcar.
transport the M561. Two vehicles can be loaded on
railcars that are 48 feet or longer. The M561 can be
A staggered nailing pattern will be
transported on suitable special-purpose bilevel cars.
used when blocking and bracing
7-4. Preparation of the M561
lumber is nailed to the floor of the
The degree of preparation of the vehicle prior to being
In addition, the nailing
transported by railcar is dependent upon the operational
pattern for an upper piece of
laminated lumber "will be adjusted
7-5. Loading M561 on General-Purpose Flatcars
as required so that a nail for that
a. The vehicle may be placed in the tiedown
piece will not be driven through,
position on the railcar by a crane or may be driven or
onto, or right beside a nail in the
towed (without lockout truss) provided a suitable ramp or
lumber piece of lumber.
bridge is available.
Table 7-1. Bill of Materials for Blocking and Tiedown of M561 on General-Purpose Flatcar (Fig 7-1).
Douglas-fir, or comparable, straight grain, free from material defects Fed
Spec MM-L-751c: 2- x 2-in.
8 linear ft
2- x 4-in.
20 linear ft
2- x 6-in.
10 linear ft
6- x 8-in.
12 linear ft