TM 55-2320-242-15-1
5-1. General
a. The M561 can be loaded onto a semitrailer by a
This chapter provides highway and off-road
crane of adequate capacity by the use of four wire-slings
transportability guidance for the M561.
It covers
attached to its four lifting rings and the crane hook (fig
significant technical and physical characteristics and
prescribes the materials and guidance required to
b. After vehicle has been loaded on semitrailer,
prepare, load, and unload the vehicle. The M561 can
place vehicle gear shift levers (transmission and
move over public highways in CONUS and in oversea
transfer) in neutral position and apply vehicle hand
areas without restrictions. Figure 5-1 is the tracking
parking brake.
diagram for the M561.
c. For conventional method of securing the M561
on semitrailer using wooden blocks, chocks, and wire
5-2. Off-Road Operation
The articulated joint coupling tractor and carrier permits
d. For conventional chain tiedown with a minimum
tractor and carrier to roll and pitch independently to keep
proof-test of 8,700 pounds and appropriate tensioning
all wheels on the ground and provide maximum traction.
The vehicle is equipped with a two-speed transfer case,
(1) Apply tiedowns parallel to each other at
a four-speed transmission, and is selective for either
one end of the vehicle and from the vehicle tiedown
twoor six-wheel drive. The above features give this
points to the semitrailer tiedown facilities. The angle of
vehicle excellent cross-country mobility.
the tiedown must be as close to 45 degrees as possible.
(2) Hand tension the tiedown chains as tight
5-3. Preparation of M561
as possible and attach grab hook to an appropriate link
No special preparation of the item is required, either for
of the chains.
movements under its own power or for transport by
(3) Apply tiedowns parallel to each other at
semitrailer. However, all loose items should be secured
the opposite end of the vehicle and from the vehicle
within the vehicle.
tiedown points to the semitrailer tiedown facilities.
5-4. Movement by Semitrailer
(4) Final tensioning of the tiedown chains will
The M561 can be transported over highway by
be accomplished by utilizing an appropriate tensioning
semitrailers of adequate capacity and size. Figure 5-2
illustrates a method for securing the M561 on a
(5) After all chains have been tensioned, they
semitrailer by the use of four tiedown chains equipped
will be hit sharply with a hammer to relieve any binding
with an appropriate tensioning device.
and retensioned if necessary.
(6) Grabhooks will be secured with wire
5-5. Loading on Semitrailer
through the chain openings to prevent the hooks from
disengaging from links to which they are attached.