Tiedown. Data Table
M151 1/4- Ton Truck and M100 1/4- Ton Trailer
In CH-47 Helicopter
Figure 2. M151 1/4-ton truck and M100 1/4-ton trailer
p o s i t i o n e d and tied down. (View loking aft in
*MC1 tiedown device may be substituted for the CGU1/B.
** C-2 tiedown device may-be substituted for the MB-1.
6. Unloading
The item is unloaded by reversing the loading
procedures. Position guides and drive item from
the helicopter. Three men can unload the item in
approximately 20 minutes.
Figure 3. Head-on view of M151 1/4-ton truck positioned
and tied down. (View looking forward in helicopter.)
TAGO 1369A